I'm reading Beth Moore's So Long Insecurity, right now and last week came to a section where she has literally written out a prayerful meditation asking for release from insecurity. Her words penned inspired across the page. I was reading, praying, and claiming the words when I came to six little...
I've been thinking about you guys all day long. I long for Thursday nights when I get to snuggle into my favorite chair with my laptop and pour out my heart to you, my friends. I was halfway through a love note about insecurity when for whatever...
There is a brief, fleeting, and perfect period of weather in Georgia each year right about now. The air smells fresh and renewed, as if it is just as relieved for the decline in humidity and the ability to move about more freely. The leaves have not...
Emily P Freeman writes, "You aren't moving to figure things out or to catch up to an expectation, but you are moving because you are alive...
It's a beautiful day in Seattle. It's sunny (high of 76 degrees) with a lovely breeze. [Mr. Weather has been working his A-game since I arrived charming me over quite nicely.]We woke early{ish} to go partake in a yoga class with one of Dawn's friends...
Have you ever witnessed transformation happen before your eyes? I don't mean seeing a child grow over years, but deep, intense, mind-blowing change that happens so quickly that for a second you believe that instead of something transforming there are two, new, unique beings in...
Today a woman--and by woman I mean a friend whom I was helping out, not a random stranger on the skreet--handed me her American Express card, military id, a list of errands to run and walked me out the door. She chimed as I left,...
I haven't written in two weeks. I have sat down many times to do so...