01 Aug You're Behind? Part Deux
You guys are so funny!
I love hearing from you. Seriously, you make my day. Always. Except for when you’re mean…that doesn’t make my day, but it does teach me something. And you’re usually nice, so it’s okay.
BUT…I wanted to clarify something. My post yesterday was not about Facebook. I’m afraid the point may have gotten lost in my specific example of the atrociously, love to hate, social media known as Facebook.
My point was…everyone is on a different path. My most recent feelings of envy have been of people whose bodies have been right in front of my face and have been one billion times more flexible than mine! I’ve been pissed at moments. For what? The fact that they have bendier hamstrings than mine?
Or that a girl has skinnier hips than me? Or that a couple friend of mine just became debt free? Or that one of my best friends is married to a wonderful man and they own a home!? Or that another friend of mine is simply secure, she is just a secure person? Or that another friend has the uncanny ability to find the silver lining in every situation life throws her way!?
I want these things. I want to not be me so that I can have something else or be something else that someone else has or is.
{Which isn’t really true. I love me–most days. I love my life–most days. But I can get caught in this trap of discontentment if I’m not careful.}
It’s not about social media.
It’s about contentment and perspective and appreciation for your own path.
We all get lost. We all have bad days. We all have moments that we wish were filled differently–with pieces of the puzzle we could swap out for a different puzzle; a different pattern.
But they won’t fit.
I have shared my story. You all know pieces of where I’ve been. And it’s just my story. The greatest gift I can give myself is owning it, accepting it, and using the rest of my life to learn from, grow, and encourage others by it.
The same is true of you and your story.
There is something to be said about presence of mind to the moment at hand. Supposedly it’s the secret to a happy life. Whether that’s true or not it is the only place where you get to actively participate in your own story.
So maybe…Should we all give it a try and test it out? Just to see what happens when we start acting like the lead role in our own lives, our own beautiful tales, and not the understudies to someone else’s?
Yes, let’s. Let’s do that.
Ps…tomorrow marks the second to last day of my YTT. “Acca-believe it!!?”
Crazy cakes, yes!? Speaking of being present…if anyone finds the past 4 weeks of my life let me know. I was busy trying to let my heart be healed a little and they flew away!!!
Much love.
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