23 May Trading Sanities…Tomorrow.
Tomorrow I go back to school. I have enjoyed three blissful weeks of thinking of only what I wanted to and the things that please me. I have answered to no one…well other than God, work, and the special people in my life, but those are not bad things…and tomorrow, that all changes.
This is how I feel about it…
Yep. That raw emotion right there says it all.
That’s my baby cousin, although he’s not such a baby anymore. He’s adorable, but likes to make silly faces for pictures, as evidenced above. See that cast on his arm? He broke his elbow. Ouch, right? He’s been a rock star though. You wouldn’t even know the little man was hurt. What a champ.
As for me…I’m currently not being such a rock star. Although I checked off a lot of things off on my to-do list while not in school, it is currently not finished. Remember that stack of books I showed you last week? It still remains completely untouched. Shh. Don’t tell…I have full intent to complete the whole stack but, however, clearly did not plan on diving in head first until absolutely necessary. Who’s to say where that line is drawn?
So tomorrow I trade in crazy, I-love-my-life-and-do-what-I-want Emily for crazy, I-love-my-life-and-probably-need-to-be-at-home-reading-right-now-but-oh-well Emily. See how that works? I am an excellent student in my own way. Do not judge the attitude I am giving you right now. It’s not a facade, but it’s also not the whole truth. I love what I do and everything I’m learning…but I would be a liar if I said it wasn’t consuming.
So tomorrow…it’s back to the grind. For now. I’m going to edit a couple more photos. Listen to this song again, and pretend that tomorrow I do not lose my mind again. All in due time. đŸ˜‰
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