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Positivity for life

Impractical Dreaming

09 Feb Positivity for life

[I have been bouncing around a lot of things that I want to blog about today…so look forward to that later tonight.]

But for now I am going to share with you a little piece of wonderful that my lovely friend and I use as a tool for fun, laughter, inspiration, (encouragement), and simple bonding. :)

It is a (not so well kept) secret.

This “little” girl is now into her teens, so I would imagine having her little self posted on YouTube and viewed by millions worldwide is possibly a little (or a lot) creepy. However, I would like to say thank you to young Jessica for her happy spirit. Whenever I am having a bad day, moment, or week this never fails to lift my spirits (especially when sang by my 25 year old friend)!

So…without further adieu…lady and gents, Little Ms. Jessica’s Daily Affirmation.

Have a Happy and Beautiful (better than any other) Wednesday!

  • KJM
    Posted at 16:17h, 09 February Reply

    I like….no wait, i LOVE!!!!

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