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philosophy of abundance

Impractical Dreaming

02 Oct philosophy of abundance

Some days I have this crazy idea that there is not enough goodness to go around.
I read a post by Elizabeth Gilbert that makes me cry and laugh in 7.9 seconds. Then I open my email and Mark Manson has sent me this incredible article that is basically exactly what I was working on in my head for my next post. {And completely brilliant, obviously.}
It’s not a conscious choice. It creeps in through the back door, plants itself in the over-sized, cushy chair, and curls up like a cat without ever startling my awareness.
Have you ever not pursued your dreams because someone else has already done that? Or maybe others do it better than you think you can?
There is this strange thing that happens when we ponder taking big risks, facing fears, in order to pursue the things that bring us the most joy — we come up with a lot of excuses and choose just about anything that feeds our fear and allows us to stay in our safe space. Unknown. In the shadows. Unlikely to receive criticism, be turned down, or disliked. 
And also…alone.
I went to school to become a Christian counselor in Atlanta. Turns out…Atlanta is the hub for Christian counselors. Never once did it cross my mind that I was doing something that someone had already gone before me and done well so that I need not ever attempt to do it.
Emily P. Freeman rights about this tension of a philosophy of scarcity. She shares these words:
“You may not be the first to say it, write it, create it, or believe it–but you saying it may be the first time someone finally hears. Yes, someone else can say it better, but that doesn’t mean you can’t say it too. Throw out your inhibitions and spin around in this crazy world of recycled ideas.  There is nothing new to say. Say it anyway.
“crazy world of recycled ideas” [whoop, there it is.]
…that resonates with me. I firmly believe no one has written anything new on love since Shakespeare (or maybe Jesus). But how many beautiful and inspiring people are writing about, talking about, and doing big love!!?
But when using or pursuing your idea is scary, it can be easy to make excuses.
But don’t!!
The world is waiting. We need you. We need your ideas, your creativity, your words, your song, your stability, your know-how.
In a world where everyone wants to be “the next big thing,” what if you were simply the biggest and best YOU there ever was!? Whether that is running coffee, answering phones, fighting oil companies, building skyscrapers, manicuring someone’s lawn, teaching someone’s children, creating a new idea for solar energy, feeding starving children around the world, writing, starting your own business!? There is space enough for you all.
That I am sure of. 
The philosophy of abundance agrees. “I am designed for something good, something beautiful, with a purpose unique to me. I will touch people’s lives in ways no one else can. Yes, I may be [and most likely am] doing something some one else has already done, so[this means] there are great people to learn from! They are not my competition.”
The philosophy of scarcity is scared, insecure, timid, driven–but maybe lacking integrity, tired, and mean. When you believe that there is no space for you in the world, suddenly everyone becomes competition and is either in your way or a pawn to be used to help you find your space in the world.
We are constantly connected and plugged in and have unlimited resources…it is easy to feel small, insignificant, and/or as if you have nothing new to offer.
do not believe the lie!

No one in the world can offer you! Your heart. Your passion. Your spirit.
I’m not saying everyone has to do something crazy in order for this to be true of you. You can offer the world your youest YOU by showing up at your cubicle everyday and doing your job well and pleasantly. This isn’t glitz and glamour I am talking about. It is passion, joy, radiating light–and it’s all in you. 
I’ll just be here. Cheering your head off…until you get it. 
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