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19 Apr Fulfilled.

“Only the individual with a healthy, wholesome self-view will feel inwardly rich when he or she is outwardly broke.”     – Marsha Sinetar

“In every man’s heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty”    
– Christoper Morley

“Art is the demonstration that the ordinary is extraordinary”      – Amedee Ozenfant

As I face the last two weeks of school, I cannot help but feel that things are different. Yes, I still have big projects to complete and a lot of studying to do. Yes, finals are looming right over the peak of the weekend. And yes, there is a mountain of laundry piling up in my comfy chair waiting to be put away.

But still…something isn’t the same.

I am changing. My relationships are changing. My outlook is different. The world is different.

And all for the better.

I’ve been reading through my book “The Art of Abundance” lately…this combined with therapy and praying and abounding grace over the past few months has got me thinking…things are different.

I like the new shades and hues my life is taking on…so allow me to share…this week’s abundance.

Abundance is…the  rich smell of freshly brewed coffee before the sun wakes up.
Abundance is… a little girl’s small, soft voice as she tells her father her plans for the day.
Abundance is…my “baby” brother driving me, Mil, and Varun (her bf) to our nana’s for a bday celebration.
Abundance is…an April birthday celebration.
Abundance is…homemade strawberry cake.
Abundance is…love.
Abundance is….an impromptu photo shoot.
Abundance is…him calling me beautiful.
Abundance is…believing he means it completely.
Abundance is…freshly picked sunflowers.
Abundance is…chocolate and strawberries.
Abundance is…celebration of the people I love.
Abundance is…saying thank you to those who bless you everyday.
Abundance is…being pool side with friends and sangria.
Abundance is…cruising with my favorite pup, music up, and the windows down.

Abundance is…bright tulips that remind me of fire throwing  flowers from Mario bros.

Abundance is…a baby sprouting teeth…gnawing away at the irritable mounds growing in her mouth.

Abundance is…the love of a sweet mother.

Abundance is…giggles that flit through the air like butterflies

…and eyes to melt your heart.

Abundance is…family that always loves and welcomes.

Abundance is…rocking on the front porch swing.

Abundance is…your favorite ice cream on your birthday.

Abundance is…the warmth of summer.

Abundance is…another day to live and love…

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