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February 14, 2011 Pt. 1

Impractical Dreaming

16 Feb February 14, 2011 Pt. 1

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day…the date that some love a little more and others love a little less.

I did not have bis expectations for the day as my actual “Valentines” plans are this upcoming weekend…however, God had something different planned for my day. He not only had lots of love planned for my day, but also lots of grace…and a few life lessons.


Lesson #1: Don’t be too prideful. Accept blessings.

This lesson came as a huge shock to my system, but was extremely necessary. As you may or may not know I was in a kinda big car accident last October. Although nothing was broken and it wasn’t my fault (thankfully), I am now still in pain (thus still building medical bills) and in the middle of a lawsuit (not against me). This isn’t something that I am enjoying, but it is what it is. What it is is my reality. Either way…as you can imagine with no one claiming responsibility to the personal damage to my person or the totaling of my car I am currently footing all the bills. Now…I am a grad student who albeit has two (just down from the three) jobs, unfortunately that does not equate to being able to pay all the medical bills in the world. So…what is the point to my whining…there is one. My point is not to complain…just bear with me. This weekend my wonderful mother helped me compile all of my bills and figure out how much I could pay towards each bill every month. Needless to say…it wasn’t pretty. I have been juuust getting by…paying five different doctor bills does not fit the budget. I had an offer for help from both my mom and my awesome boyfriend. I politely refused them both…adamantly proclaiming that I would work more or something. I would figure it out. Sunday night I wanted to ask all of my friends what the bible says about asking for help. Well…I never reached that point because Monday morning a friend from school so strongly informed me of what God thinks of my turning down the compassion and generosity of others. My friend from school overheard me telling another couple of friends that although I would love to go have dinner with them they’d have to check back in about another year because I am currently not allowed to spend money on anything other than the necessities (gas and therapy).

The friend overhearing this conversation offered to help out and I quickly and profusely refused. Her response? …”Emily, are you not good at accepting gifts?” and later… “You’re a giver…but you also have to be able to receive.” She essentially informed me that I should not block people’s blessing. We have each been given too and thus, are called to give to others. Refusing someone’s gift is (apparently) not only impolite…but also a ‘blocked blessing’ for both the giver and the receiver.

After a rather intense (for me at least) sermon (if you will…or even if you won’t), my body temperature raising approximately 7 degrees, and a hug from a friend…I accepted. I dropped my wall of pride and accepted what this friend was trying to give me out of the love and generosity of her heart.

Honestly, I was overwhelmed with humility.

I don’t think I have ever felt so lovingly called out before in my entire life. I took it because it wasn’t just my crazy friend from school calling me out…it was God telling me I was wrong and full of lousy pride. (And digging myself my own ditch.)

So thank you…to my friend for her oh-so-honest love…to all of you who witnessed this and created the ‘safe space’ for me to not crawl into my shell while simultaneously running away screaming.

So here’s my question for you…I bet you are really good at giving to others…but how are your gift receiving abilities? Are you blocking blessings? Are your eyes open to the gifts you are being given?

Pay attention…precious gifts are all around. Just for you.

  • PJZaffos
    Posted at 04:42h, 16 February Reply

    This makes me happy for a thousand reasons! I'm so excited and glad that you are being challenged in this and am beyond excited to see the fruit that comes from this valuable experience!!

  • KJM
    Posted at 05:33h, 16 February Reply

    You are wonderful! I&#39;m very glad that it took who it took to make this happen…have you read The Shack?? If so, I hope you are getting my reference! <br /><br />Thanks for being my lovey! A better lovey than anyone

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