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Impractical Dreaming

23 Apr Celebration!

Today is Saturday…the day between good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Last night, I attended Good Friday at the Verizon Wireless Ampitheatre…and well, there are no words to describe how awesome it was. So I won’t even try. Let’s just say…there was a very good reason why hundreds of people were still trying to get tickets the day before and why people drove from out of town to get there.

Something I noticed a few weeks ago and was only echoed last night was how excited I am for Easter this year. It is not because the Easter Bunny is always so good to me and my household or because it’s spring and fun or because I love pastels and they seems to go with Easter…because I don’t. It’s not the egg hunts, or the tie-dying. It’s not even the candy, which may be a shocker for some of you that I would even say that. (My sweet tooth is probably offended.) But this year it is the meaning of Easter that has really gotten my heart skipping and dancing everyday.

I have come to grips with the fact that not only will I ever be able to fully comprehend the magnitude of the meaning of this celebration, nor will I ever have the right words.

So as simply as it gets…

There is a God.

Who created a World. A really BIG world.

He created everything in it.

He created us.

We (humans) messed it up.

We needed saving.

God-in the form of His son Jesus-came.

He came to save.

Jesus lived a life, a real life, just like you and I do.

He was tempted, tested, tried, and never fell.

Until one day…he did.

The King of Kings was killed. Beaten. Whipped, Spit on. Humiliated. Shamed for all to see.


By us. People. Just like you and me.

And then…

He arose.

He lived.

In the biggest scandal the world could never imagine. Jesus paid the price for each and every sin committed and each and every sin that would be committed. He bore the shame, guilt, embarrassment, judgment, punishment, and death we deserve.

So that you and I could live.

His final words while hanging on the cross… “It is finished.”

{I’m sharing from last night…you can thank Louie G.}

Death is finished.

Guilt is finished.

Shame is finished.

Self-righteousness is finished.

In all the glory of the world, God said…No, they can not continue like this. The world must be saved because I love them too much. Because I want them to have more. I am the only one who can do this…and a rescue plan was concocted.

So on this Easter weekend…evening though I cannot understand it fully…God loves. Jesus lives. Shame, guilt, death, and self-righteousness do not. We are saved. We are loved.

And the whole world sings His praises…

Freedom is within out reach. All we have to do is…accept.

It is not too good to be true, as much as it may appear that way.

So this weekend…I will pause. The studies are going on hold. (They will still be there tomorrow night I am positive.) And I am going to enjoy what has been undeservingly given to me. Because…I should. And I can.

Tonight is the boy’s birthday dinner and baking for tomorrow. What is his birthday cake this year you ask? Orange-Almond Cake! And trust me…it’s mmm mmm yummy! (Recipe to be shared later.) I am even going to attempt Olivia Rae’s infamous Caramel Salted Brownies…I’ve heard they’re the best. And addictive. Don’t you worry…I will certainly let you know. Tomorrow is lunch with my favorite people. Egg hunts and Bunny cake will be had. Laughs. Lots of love. And lots of food will be shared. And through it all we will say thank you…a meek and insufficient thank you for all we’ve been given.

Nothing sounds better.

I leave you with this song which I know I have shared previously, but it’s so good I couldn’t resist.

Happy Easter!

  • KJM
    Posted at 20:06h, 23 April Reply

    You are oh so brilliant in your writing!! Another reason to love ELW…thanks for sharing!!

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