25 Jul Beauty is…
Beauty is…
Standing up for yourself.
Saying no when you need to say no.
Loving yourself just as you are.
Having a voice and using it to better the world.
Saying thank you.
Saying thank you for your body.
The sky. The sun. The stars. The moon.
Loving your legs, your calves, your thighs.
Skipping down the street because you want to.
Having courage to take a risk.
Dancing in the car to your favorite song.
Being afraid and doing it anyway.
Hugging your neighbor.
Believing you can.
Sharing a piece of yourself.
Your chicken legs.
Your small breasts.
Your muscular tone.
Your soft tummy.
The audacity to try.
Showing up.
Being authentic.
Standing up for another.
Within imperfection.
Not criticizing.
Having an opinion.
Helping another.
Going with your own flow.
Loving what you have.
Knowing what you’re all about.
Giving back to others.
A fresh chocolate chip cookie.
Not something that can be given nor taken away.
Not in a number.
Not in a size.
Not one thing.
Not perfection.
…and all around,
…shine bright.
Don’t box yourself in. Don’t put yourself down. Don’t try to fit into the mold of someone else. Don’t buy what you’re being sold. Just be you. As you. Perfectly imperfect you.
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