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#9: be thankful

Impractical Dreaming

10 Oct #9: be thankful

Today I am thankful for…
…a fluffy black puppy that is always over-joyed to see me.
…the ability to save a stranded puppy from the side of the road.
…safety in traveling during commutes.
…friends who care.
…a home that is welcoming to all.
…fall-like weather: mid-seventies and leaves rustling. (yum.)
…a really good hug.
…sister visiting from Atlanta.
…a sweet and random note from a thoughtful friend.
…a cozy bed to sleep in.
…a beautiful sunset.
…chai tea lattes.
…beauty in small and hidden places.
…a grandmother’s unfailing love.
…joy in a papa’s eyes.
…my school and the privilege to sit under the best and brightest professors in the field.
…grace like rain.
…a Savior.
…a Father who notices when his children go astray.
…love that seems too good to be true but that is a reality.
…a teenage brother trying to figure ‘it’ out.
…friends who are genuine.
…passionate, influential, and truth-giving writers
…friends who know who they are and live free from others judgments.
…a mom who is the bomb dot com. (back slash the best in the world) 
[Yes. I went there.]
…true love.
…the painful joys of surrender.
…friends who speak Truth and Life.
…being treasured.
…love I don’t deserve.
…red and golden leaves.
…leaves that crunch when I walk.
…my favorite sweater.
….this song.
…blessings I could never deserve.
…peace that promises to arrive.
…mercy…sweet mercy.
…baking…that comforts.
…tomato bisque soup that warms my tummy.
this scripture.
this prayer.
  • KJM
    Posted at 15:42h, 16 October Reply

    i'm thankful for you…and sorry im just now reading this (fail on google reader reading)

  • EmilyLorin
    Posted at 02:22h, 18 October Reply

    Ditto. I can't express it enough. xxxoo.

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