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#19: Accept help, we know you need it

Impractical Dreaming

20 Oct #19: Accept help, we know you need it

It’s guest post day (Wednesday)!!!

You didn’t know I was cool enough to have that did you? (I’m not really, I just have awesome blogger friends. :)
So let me, Emily, preface this by saying that this was supposed to be posted before midnight last night. Too much fun at a birthday celebration leads to forgetfulness. So just pretend with me that the little date above the title says “October 19, 2011.” (shame) I dropped the ball. Not only did I already have a post for the 19th but I just screwed up…so I’m accepting the help I oh-so-clearly need just late. I’ll see you later tonight, but for now, enjoy this little bit from my great friend Kimber. (You can find her great blog here and hopefully one day when she’s not trying to finish graduate school she’ll grace us with her presence again. Keep this girl on your radar.) Anywho, listen up…this is a lesson I know all too much about…

Well this feels a little weird, but let me back up and tell a lil story.  Last night I was catching up on my blogs (and by catching up I mean literally I had over 50 to go through, most of those being just looking at pictures, but still).  This blog happened to be one of those blogs that I had fallen behind on reading, so I took notice that the most recent post hadn’t been posted yet for the day and with a mere 30 minutes left in the day, I decided to see what was up.  Nothing besides busyness was up, however I had mentally prepared that if something had in fact been up then I would not let this 31 day challenge have a day go by without being posted on.  That’s not to say that what I would have offered was any good but I would have done it nonetheless.  Hence the “guest blogging”.  Since I am an avid blog lover, I am quite familiar with the concept and happen to love the community and friendliness of the whole thing, even if it was for a best friend.  Which gets me to my lessen for 20-somethings:

Learning to accept help.

So really what keeps us youngsters from accepting help from other people, especially our friends?  Oh boy…does it take one to know one on this subject…?  So I’ll say I am not stellar at accepting help…period.  I want to seem like I have it all together and that I have got things figured out and kept up with.  Not only do I want it to seem like that to people, I actually want that to be the case.  In reality that is not the case at all…so here is also to being authentic.  So I’ll just go ahead and say that I don’t have anything together, I scrape by a lot of the time, and honestly probably need help way more than I would ever ask for it.  I digress though, and that could be a whole other blog post in and of itself.  

Here is my take though…I think that we go from living at home with our parents to living at college (generally) and we begin the process of breaking away and growing up, which in my terms means learning to do things on your own.  I fully support and encourage that time, as it is the gaining of independence and more freedom that allows us to become the people we are meant to be.  That being said, I feel that the next step in the growing up/independence part is also learning when you are in over your head or could just use a pick me up and being willing to ask or accept help.  That can be in the form of buying coffee for a friend who left a wallet, making copies of a study guide for an overwhelmed grad student, or writing a blog for a busy best friend.  All three of those things happened either for me or from me in the last week.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Those are small examples, but there are plenty of bigger ones in which we should be cultivating the ability to say yes to help.    

I’m all too aware of the pressure and influence of our culture in every aspect of my daily life, and as much as I would love to say that it doesn’t have an effect on me…it most definitely does.  We are taught to not air our business to people and to further the individual while moving away from community.  That may have a little bit of drama added but not a far stretch by any means.  So what is a 20 something to do with that??  What we do best I suppose…go against the grain, modeling the One who came before us to give us the gift of eternity when we needed it, without us ever having to ask or, for some, even accept it. And who are we to put ourselves above the greatest ‘helper’ of all time?  So take note, be observant, and notice when there is a need that you can fill somewhere and just do it!  On top of that, if you are on the receiving end of said help…take a deep breath and welcome the chance to be taken care of (or at least try to).  And if there was any confusion on where God lies on this whole subject, just a few of dozens of passages regarding help.   
The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.  
Genesis 2:18
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.  
Hebrews 13:16
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.  
Galatians 6:2
So thanks to ELW for accepting help when she didn’t necessarily need it, cause she can handle it gracefully :)  

For more on the 31 day challenge check it out here

  • Liz
    Posted at 13:03h, 20 October Reply

    Bear one another&#39;s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. <br />Galatians 6:2<br /><br />one of my fav verses!!!

  • KJM
    Posted at 17:02h, 20 October Reply

    look at that :)

  • EmilyLorin
    Posted at 23:02h, 20 October Reply

    It&#39;s just so great :)

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