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#12: Go to therapy…lessons from Raymond

Impractical Dreaming

13 Oct #12: Go to therapy…lessons from Raymond

Okay all my twenty-something friends out there. If you hear nothing else I say all month long…hear this

Go To Therapy.

Andy Stanley did a series called “The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating.” 
In it he discusses things that you should do before you get married. 
These things include: 
getting out of debt,
 breaking bad habits,
 replacing them with good habits,
 being the person you would want to marry, 
working through your childhood/past “stuff,” etc.
You may think I am simply endorsing this because I am going to school to be a therapist and if you all go to therapy then I am guaranteed to have a job. If you think that then…well, then you’d be wrong. I’m a long way from being a therapist and even if I was not going to be one…well, I’d still tell you to go to therapy.
Here’s why…you have a lot of stuff going on. 
You are a complex system of  thoughts, subconscious, emotions, conscious, past experiences, and moment to moment reactions.
You (probably) process things through a filter. You (might) react to things based on previous experiences. You (probably) live in a world that you have created that may or may not be based on reality. 
(If you are perfect, have no problems, are doing great, all the time, are fully self-aware, and have no baggage to bring to the table…disregard all of this please. 
Also…can I have your secret? Thanks đŸ˜‰ )
I do not say to go to therapy so you can find answers to all your twenty-something questions. That’s actually not what therapy is for…regardless of what you might believe. I say go to therapy to work out your “stuff.” Let someone listen to you. And please…please…work through your childhood “stuff”…I will be the first to say that…it’s worth it.

Get to know yourself.

Just ask Raymond…he knows. all. about. it.
ps. Sorry about the captions…thought you might want to practice your…Spanish? Portuguese? 
xxxoo, E
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  • KJM
    Posted at 15:39h, 16 October Reply

    working on stuff….check!

  • EmilyLorin
    Posted at 02:18h, 18 October Reply

    Seriously…triple check. I gots lots o' stuff.

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