Well, we made it! Do you feel better already? I think these 31 days to a better-twenty-something-year-old have been intense to say the least, but what did you expect? Rainbows and butterflies? ...
Well, I technically only have three minutes to write this, but I'm hoping since you love me so much you'll forgive me. (And since it's still my Sunday...
Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed.Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.Isaiah 1:17Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from...
It think it is obvious at this point why I think this is so important.Let me begin by putting a disclaimer here: You do not have to leave the country to do mission work. There are needs right outside your door, neighborhood, street, city, etc. Ask...
Since my change in schedule (and my return from Africa) I have tried to keep a new, better, daily schedule. As with many things...
Notice: This is not a post on the book Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Edderichs. It is however, intrigued with this book for it's subtitle."Love & Respect: The love she most desires. The respect he desperately needs."I like to think that I have the...
Last night I woke up to the discomfort of an overheated body. My room was it's normal temperature, but my body was blazing hot. The comforter on my bed now includes my winter blanket...
If there is one thing I have learned since becoming a twenty something it is that life is never what you expect it will be.You know how when you're a kiddo you can't wait to be a teenager? Then when you get there you want...
"I'M EXCITED!!! WEEEEEEEE!"MoM!Crab claws. My favorite. The life line.Go madre go!We were like monkeys in the trees...