Shame is the lie that says you’re not good enough. You’re not strong enough.
You are not enough.
You’re too weak, too emotional, not charming enough, not powerful enough, too powerful, too loud, too assertive, too quiet, too fat, too skinny, too stupid, too smart, not rich enough, etc. Shame is that emotion that you can’t quite name that keeps you from plunging all in, that keeps you small & playing safe.
Brené Brown is a shame & vulnerability researcher from Houston, TX and she is awesome.
She defines shame as, “the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging.”
She also says that shame cannot survive being spoken & that’s exactly why you are here. I believe you are now ready to begin speaking your shame & breaking the chains of bondage it has on you.
You will not live in the heavy chains of shame anymore.
So if you’ve ever thought you weren’t enough, if you’ve ever considered quitting because you thought you couldn’t make it any further or you weren’t worth fighting any longer. If you’ve ever been told you weren’t good enough & were tempted to believe it…come.
Come Jesus freaks, freaks in general, the discarded, the lonely, the insecure & unsure, the brave, the bold, the warriors, the courageous ones, the scared ones & those who have not quite decided yet.
Come all you who have been shamed.
Here we are without judgments & we talk about the real things that scare us.