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Prince Henry

Impractical Dreaming

25 Feb Prince Henry

So…I got a dog. I know…it sounds ridiculous. And in all honesty…it is. He is a Poo-Chon…a Bichon Frise/Mini Poodle mix! He is the most precious thing you have every seen!

Today we (my mom, my sister, and I) left at 6 this morning, heading to Tennessee! The treck…5 hours there. 5 hours back. I’m not talking about Gatlinburg or Chattanooga, but Erwin, Tennessee! We went through South Carolina, then North Carolina, and finally right across the border to Erwin, Tennessee! To get there though, we had to go up and through HUGE mountains. It was absolutely insane! It was really foggy…and at one point, I could not see 10 feet in front of me! It was just a white wall! I told mom we were visiting Heaven to pick up Henry! Who would’ve known!!? It was actually quite terrifying! I don’t think I have ever seen mountains that HUGE! I mean, I have been to the ‘mountains’ before…but these mountains were miserably big! I was praying the whole way for safety…and that’s not a joke! It just reminded me how truly tiny I am and how amazingly BIG God is! It was incredible!
We’re doing this Beth Moore study right now…I think I have mentioned this before, the Breaking Free bible study. It is amazing! This week we are learning about obstacles that stand in our way from truly embracing the freedom God offers us. Those mountains reminded me of some of the mountain-sized obstacles that I let stand in between God and me. No more. I’m done. I am allowing God to break the chains and help me to live the free life He created me to live! I am learning this is a process, but I am excited to tell you that…I have started the journey! Praise God! Tomorrow is week number 4 of the bible study…I am expecting incredible things from God in the upcoming months!
Well…Henry and I are going to bed because #1. I was up at 5:15 this morning (I haven’t done that in a VERY long time). #2. We’re starting the whole potty-training thing…I’m thinking outside trips every 2 hours? Maybe I can get away with 3…I guess we’ll find out. Wish me luck! Oh, and some how or another this pup has flared up my allergies…let’s all pray that this doesn’t present problems! He shouldn’t have this effect on me…but shocking I am just as itchy, sneezy, and breaking out as I could be. :( He is mine. I shan’t give him up. Solution? ….Immunity? Think I can develop that? …I am certainly going to try. If that doesn’t work, I’ll stock up on allergy meds. :) Derp.
Happy Thursday! Hope you’re having a great one!
xxxoo -impractical dreaming. (and Henry)
…pics to come soon!
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