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a little Tuesday cheer


18 May a little Tuesday cheer

After my heavy post yesterday I needed a little happy today. So I decided to share some of my favorite things that have happened over this past week. Lunch with Kimber that just made my heart and my tummy oh so happy, a [finally] picked up and organized room [but please, oh please, do not ask to visit my closet], food for a healthy lunch at home, (I have discovered that I thoroughly enjoy grocery shopping. My indecisive self can take quite a while doing it, but it is always worth it in the end.), fresh Gerber daisies, and dates with my favorite boy..that include chocolate truffles and candy. (Sugar high? …you bet.)

Also…this song and this song…as well as this song…are making my heart just sing tonight…simply because. They are unrelated. And all equally delightful.


Happy {almost}Wednesday!

  • KJM
    Posted at 21:39h, 18 May Reply

    I love reading your bloggggs :)

  • EmilyLorin
    Posted at 02:34h, 19 May Reply

    I miss reading youuuurs! đŸ˜‰

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