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#28: Do mission work.

Impractical Dreaming

29 Oct #28: Do mission work.

It think it is obvious at this point why I think this is so important.
Let me begin by putting a disclaimer here: You do not have to leave the country to do mission work. There are needs right outside your door, neighborhood, street, city, etc. 
Ask and you will find the need.
You can read about it here, here, here, here, here, (that one is one of my favorites, just so you know) and here.
Also…for the things that Africa taught me go here. (In case you didn’t catch it one of the first six times.)
Africa taught me so much about God, my faith, the world, His children, His love, His power, His strength, His mercy, myself, my fears, my identity…the list could go on and on. 
I think it takes getting outside your bubble a little bit to truly test and know what it is that you know and don’t know, believe, and only say you believe. 
We were made by a God not just of this city, but of the world, the Universe.
Get outside your bubble and experience Him.
He’s guaranteed to rock your socks off if you let Him.
I don’t have any other sufficient words for this topic so I’ll let this little video do the talking for me…enjoy.

To read about how the topic of becoming a better twenty-something-year-old got started go here to begin at the beginning! 
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