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Simple Sunday


26 Jan Simple Sunday

I had this very eloquent and well written piece of literature in my head that has been circling around for days. Tonight, as I sit down to write, my thoughts are jumbled and my fingers are confused. My words seem to have been washed away by time and the busy-ness that is life.
We’ll come back to that later given that my brain doesn’t seem to be giving me an option.
 For now I guess I will tell you about the splendid little Sunday I had two days ago. My best friend from high school years is engaged!!! So we took a trip up to Young Harris to visit a potential wedding site and to take engagement photos of Elizabeth Ann and Justin. 
The weather threatened to drench our heads and dampen our spirits but the rain held out just long enough to allow for a lovely –albeit chilly–afternoon.
There are some friends with which the passage of time does not seem to matter. You can go days, weeks, and even years without speaking to someone and then they are there. It is as if no time passed at all. 
One is fortunate to have friends such as these.
It is funny. We always planned to be together one day when we got married, to throw engagement and bachelorette parties, to (one day that is far, far away) talk babies, and fussy toddlers.
It seemed so far away. It seemed like another world, another life. A life we questioned whether or not it might actually appear. Yet…here it is. This is real life.
And this real life is real good.
Sunday was the perfect reminder that things usually tend to look nothing like you imagined they would five/ten years before…
…in reality, they look even better than planned.
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