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Shake it Out


24 Feb Shake it Out

My fans are on full speed and my blinds occasionally flap open with Spring-like bursts of wind. 
Smells like Spring around here.
I’m normally incredibly resistant to Spring’s arrival because I like Winter. I love layers, scarves, and knitted hats. And the thing is that this Winter has been a pretty big bummer. Less layers, less scarves (okay…not really), but definitely less knitted hats. Despite Winter’s less than stellar arrival and now departure…I’m happy for Spring to be here. The pouting will begin when Spring exits and Summer begins because what you don’t know is that I hate being hot. Hate it. I’m really good at sweating and truly enjoy it when I’m supposed to be doing it — like when working out. Other than that…if there isn’t a large body of water around, I’ll freak out just slightly.
  …Spring. It’s here…
So we’ve been venturing outdoors more. (Read: heaven!) Yesterday the kids and I trekked down one very steep hill to go on the nature trail and find our way to the playground in the front of the neighborhood.
 It was a success…sticks, swings, and “really fast” slides were found.
 I love playing…and Spring isn’t so bad either, I guess.
 All the critters around here will begin having babies soon…and do you know what that means?
 Yep…littles!!! Little sheep, little goats, little cows, little dogs…I love little critters!
 So does he.
 Springs marks the beginning of a new year. A chance to re-evaluate. (“Shore” this also happens in January…but I love a good reason to make new goals and promise to live in the moment more…any reason to ensure I’m soaking up every sweet drop of life nectar.)
I’d say..this Spring promises lots of sweet nectar.
Happy Thursday friends…
A little piece of happy for the beginning of your weekend. 
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