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Four for forgiveness

Impractical Dreaming

08 Oct Four for forgiveness

I have a tendency to linger. I fixate on things that I have said or done and wonder how I have impacted those around me. It’s not a pretty trait. Oftentimes, it only ends up taking minutes or hours off of my day, never really impacting others. However, sometimes the things I linger on are worthy of my thoughts. 
I hate hurting others. Unfortunately, it comes with the skin. 
I often find myself trying to cover all my bases early. I try to make sure that all of my “what if”s are impossible, or highly probable so that I can plan accordingly. I like to know the future.
Despite my best efforts, however, what I intend usually does not work out as planned. And I usually do one or more stupid things in the circumstances given. 
I find myself needing to apologize and ask for forgiveness often…I also find myself singing this song to myself…weekly…daily?
…I apologize a lot. (Sort of like how I’m going to need to ask for forgiveness for how boring this post is!!?)
Today I’m thankful for forgiveness. Nothing crazy happened today. No screaming matches that (can sometimes) take place. No high drama. 
Today was mellow…but I somehow found myself pondering over many things I have said in the past couple of weeks that may have hurt someone.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. [Ephesians 4:29]

My prayer today is that I might grasp this. No corrupt talk.

May all that I say give grace to those who hear.

Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” 
― Benjamin Franklin
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