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…so she did.


08 May …so she did.

It’s been pretty hot and heavy around here. So I thought I’d spread a little happy.
Happy A} I graduate in 2 days!!! It’s kind of a big deal. And by kind of I mean HUGE deal. I truly never thought I would make it to this point. It’s been just one week since I finished school and–looking back–I do not know how I made it. And I don’t know that I would be able to do it again.
After the last year and a half I wanted to quit so many times. I can’t tell you how many times I called my dean of students, who I also consider a friend, wailing and asking how to withdrawal because I couldn’t make it. 
She always said…”Let’s talk about it tomorrow.”
And here I am. In 2 days I get to wear that funky robe and graduate with my Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy!!! I have never ever worked so hard for anything in my life. Nor have I ever been so proud of anything I have accomplished.
Now I’m ready for a nap. One very cozy, long ass nap.
Happy B} I was helping the little one take a bath tonight–she’s five–and she’s at the age where she’s very inquisitive about the human body. She asked me about why girls where “wedgie panties,” why would they do that? And then she wanted to know why girls show their boobies. She proceeds to tell me that some girls have long boobies that hang down the “here” [her belly button]. “I call those champion boobies” she said. 
Seriously!!? What!!? I asked where she had heard that and she couldn’t tell me. She said, “I just thought of it in my brain.”
This is why we’re friends.
Happy C} Later…from the other room…I hear the biggest little yell, “Emily! Scream for the dog he’s about to bite my onions!!”
I have no idea what has gotten into these kids tonight…but I cried. Tears. “Seriously!!? Did you just say your onions!?” He laughed…”Yes! He’s going to get them!”
Happy D} In 57 days, I leave for Seattle!!! I still have no idea where I am going to stay, but I’m going! I am trusting blindly that it will all work out. [Although it’s truly not so blindly because God always comes through in His perfect timing.]
Happy E} I’m working on my book. [Cues gasps, cheers, and claps!] I know, you’re just giddy with excitement, right!? 
More on that later.
Happy F} I have never been more financially unstable, more alone, or less without a life plan than I am at this current point in my life.
That doesn’t sound very happy now does it? But…it’s not a mistake. God is that good that even in this season of uncertainty I am confident that HE is certain. Hence…I have nothing to worry about. 
{Don’t get me wrong, I do choose to worry sometimes and I grieve often…but that I accept as part of my human journey.}
I am free. I am safe & secure. I am liberated. He will take care of me.
Happy G} Remember when I told you my friend challenged me to wear a different outfit for 35 days? Well…::drum roll:: I succeeded. However, I did not succeed in taking a picture everyday. In fact…I failed most days to take pictures which makes this not nearly as much fun. I am including pictures for my friend Emily’s sake. Feel free to skip ahead to the end. 
Wanna know why my head is chopped off here? I came home sobbing from a night completely triggered by my clients and wallowing in heartbreak. I was halfway undressed and I yelled down at my mom, “I haven’t taken a picture yet..” through sobs. I was going to just cover my face. She told me this looked better. Just keepin’ it real.
Happy H} I am all over some Brene Brown still. I went to a Daring Way retreat this past weekend and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. That’s for tomorrow though.
For tonight…a little celebratory photog from a friend who keeps reminding me, 
“She believed she could so she did.”
And I did!
Happy hump day, friends! XO
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