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thursday encouragement

Impractical Dreaming

14 Nov thursday encouragement

I’ve been thinking about you guys all day long.
I long for Thursday nights when I get to snuggle into my favorite chair with my laptop and pour out my heart to you, my friends.
I was halfway through a love note about insecurity when for whatever reason I sensed that maybe you needed a little encouragement.
I don’t sugar coat things around here, you know that. And I let you have it when I’m feeling persecuted, down, and overwhelmed.
So what about when I’m feeling secure, content, joyful, and grateful?
 Perhaps tonight you need to hear about that too. (#therealmovement I read an article the other day about how we would all be doing each other a favor if  we used social media for both the shiny, beautiful parts of our day and the real ugly. I concur. I mean whining about how you hate having to get early every morning is moderately off-putting. But talking about how you lost your shit on the check-out lady at the grocery store today for no apparent reason. Or how your heart is aching for a loved one who is hurting…that is never a bad idea.)

Tonight maybe you simply need to know that there is purpose where you are. Maybe you need to here that this is not all in vain. Where you are, what you’re doing, and the grind of the day-to-day it has supreme importance. It is not an accident. You are not alone. God has you
Maybe you need to hear that you are awesome. Yes, you’ve made some mistakes. Yes, you’ve been an idiot. And yes, you probably do need to go apologize. The bottom line: you’re human. Yep, there it is. I said it. I’m calling you’re bluff. You’re not a robot programmed for perfection.
Brene Brown says, “You are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.”
Maybe that’s all you need to hear. You are worthy of love and belonging.

If the people around you are unaware of that, then maybe it’s time to reconsider some relationships.
Maybe you need to hear that it’s okay to feel miserable. It’s okay to not be a happy, joyful, “perfect,” silver linings friend all of the time? I’m not saying stay there forever, but you are allowed to feel.
Maybe you need permission to walk away from whatever it is you’re doing–put the phone down, turn off the tv, close the book–go somewhere you consider safe and blast a song you consider the most epic tear-jerker ever and boo-hoo your freaking eyes out. Or maybe you choose Pharell’s “Happy” and dance around like a maniac!
Either is a kick-ass option.
Just don’t spend another second of your life beating yourself up. If you’re being an asshole and feeling guilty for it then stop being an asshole. {Go to counseling, go to rehab, do whatever it takes.}
Stop feeling guilty about being human. Stop moping around about your dreams not coming to fruition yet. Do the one next step to get close to your dreams. Feel your emotions and then inform them that they won’t dictate your life.
Fight relentlessly for your right to surrender to God.
God, the creator of nations, the inventor of water, the original flight instructor, the conductor of clouds, He. That Father. That Lord. That Lover. That gentle Protector. 
I mean…have you seen a sunrise lately? The same painter of the skies painted, molded, and sculpted you into being. HE THOUGHT UP THE UNIVERSE.
He can handle your life.
What is it that you need tonight?
Name it. Then surrender it.

“This act of total surrender is not merely a fantastic intellectual and mystical gamble; it is something much more serious. It is an act of love for this unseen person, who, in the very gift of love by which we surrender ourselves to his reality also makes his presence known to us.”

{Thomas Merton}
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